Keeping it Real | The Art of Documentary Editing @ AV8
Documentaries present unique challenges to the the editor, but can also be incredibly fulfilling as well. The editor can play a major role in shaping the final outcome as the story often only comes together in the edit suite. Understanding the various approaches to the documentary allow an editor to more effectively tell the story in the best possible way . Having a firm understanding of documentary editing makes the editor much more hireable and the skills learned carry over into all aspects of editing.
S$990 per person before GST
(Price stated is before subsidy)
This course is supported for up to 90% subsidy under the MDA Talent Assistance Scheme through Six Degrees Asia . In addition media freelancers can apply for a S$ 7.50 per hour training allowance.
Availability and amount of subsidies and grants are subjec to MDA and Six Degrees.More information about application procedures and terms here.
A special workshop teaching you how to learn the art of editing in Rhythm.
The workshop combine film history and the craft of editing into an interesting one day exploration.
IMDA Submissions Deadline by 05 Oct 2017
Cost: S$ 350 per person before GST.
This course is supported for 90% subsidy under the MDA Talent Assistance Scheme through Six Degrees Asia . In addition media freelancers can apply for a S$ 7.50 per hour training allowance.
Availability and amount of subsidies and grants are subjec to MDA and Six Degrees.More information about application procedures and terms here.
From past participants :
"Excellent introduction to what film theory can help you in your editing"
"Interesting course! The instructor was engaging and fun. It makes learn fun too!"